Kit Cox

Award winning author and illustrator of the Union-verse novels; Kit Cox writes under his own name and that of Major Jack Union – the title character of his sci-fi series. The Union-verse books are set in an alternate universe, where history and fantasy exist alongside each other.
Kit has also had many years as a writer, concept artist and art director in the games industry; working on art, design and lore for Steve Jackson games, Chaosium, World of darkness and Free radical designs “Timesplitters”.

Raised in Kent on a diet of Boys Own adventures, Carry On movies and Hammer Horror, it stood to reason it would all seep back in later life. Originally a commercial illustrator, Kit branched out to create the stories he previously illustrated.

As well as writing and artwork, Kit is an accomplished compère, hosting for many years for Hendricks gin, the Oxford and Cambridge goat race and multiple literary and comedy festivals.

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