Corinne Clery

Cléry began her acting career in the late 1960s under the name Corinne Piccoli. Her first important film was Joël Le Moigne’s Les Poneyttes with Johnny Hallyday and DJ Hubert Wayaffe, whom she married at the end of the filming.

Cléry first came to prominence in the movie Story of O (1975) (Histoire d’O). She also modelled for the cover of French magazine Lui in which she is holding a huge copy of the novel upon which the film is based.

She is best known as Corinne Dufour – personal pilot to Hugo Drax appearing in many scenes with Roger Moore in the first half of the film. She also starred with Bond girl Barbara Bach (who played Anya Amasova in The Spy Who Loved Me) and Richard Kiel (who played Bond villain Jaws) in the film The Humanoid (1979). Following Moonraker, she appeared in several Italian language films. She also starred in the films Covert Action, Hitch Hike with actor David Hess, Sergio Corbucci’s The Con Artists with Adriano Celentano and Anthony Quinn, and the science fiction film Yor, the Hunter from the Future.

Cléry became a housemate in the second season of Grande Fratello VIP, the Italian adaptation of Celebrity Big Brother

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Known For

James Bond
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